A Better Way to Do Private and Charter Yacht Preferences

From menu planning and service to on-water activities - Sevenstar: Meet the #1 yacht preference management system buuilt for the world's busiest yacht crew

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Sevenstar is The #1 Yacht Crew Preference Management System

Meet Sevenstar

  • Digital Preference Sheets

    Collect preferences from yacht owners, guests, and charterers with customized preference forms that match your yacht's unique amenities. 

    Our streamlined solution enables crews to deliver personalized experiences while capturing crucial safety information like allergies and dietary needs.

  • Form desktop 3
  • Homepage caroseul   pdf 2
  • Homepage caroseul   email notifications
  • Form desktop 3
  • Custom Branding

    From the first interaction to the final document, your yacht's distinctive image remains front and center throughout the guest experience:

    • Branded digital preference sheets
    • Customized form submission pages
    • Personalized automated emails
    • Tailored PDF profiles
  • Digital Directory

    Access a comprehensive digital directory of guest profiles at your fingertips. Sevenstar allows you to:

    • Instantly search and retrieve specific guest preferences
    • View real-time on/off board status for each guest
    • Quickly access crucial information like dietary restrictions and allergies
  • Directory desktop 2
  • Homepage caroseul   profile
  • Dynamic Preference Profiles

    Empower your yacht crew with instant access to guest preferences. Our feature offers:

    • View, edit and update- Anytime, anywhere 
    • Intuitive search and organized categories for quick information access
    • Comprehensive profiles for both private and charter guests
    • Streamlined crew training and onboarding
  • PDF Preference Profiles

    Instantly create polished preference documents upon form submission. Perfect for Stew Bibles, offline use, and secure sharing. Keep crew informed with beautifully formatted profiles – anytime, anywhere. Digital efficiency meets practical usability.

  • Homepage caroseul   pdf 3
  • Homepage caroseul   email notifications
  • Email Notifications

    Streamline your communication with Sevenstar's intelligent email system:

    • Receive instant notifications when guests submit preference forms with attached PDF Profile
    • Set up customized, branded emails sent from your yacht's address to form users
    • Confirm receipt and thank guests with automated responses
  • Track Recipes

    Capture, save, and instantly retrieve guest-specific food and drink recipes. Our searchable recipe book with advanced filters ensures you'll never forget a coffee order or favorite dish again. Visually train new chefs and stews on owner-specific service standards, maintaining consistency and excellence onboard.

  • Drink recipe book
  • Recipe book
  • Homepage caroseul   email notifications
  • Email Notifications

    Streamline your communication with Sevenstar's intelligent email system:

    • Receive instant notifications when guests submit preference forms with attached PDF Profile
    • Set up customized, branded emails sent from your yacht's address to form users
    • Confirm receipt and thank guests with automated responses
  • Track Ship Set Up

    Capture and store in-app pictures of setups and preferences. Help new crew learn quickly, reduce errors, and ensure consistent service. Transform abstract descriptions into visual references, streamlining training and maintaining high standards for exceptional guest experiences.

  • Ship setup
  • Crew directory
  • Crew Onboarding Form

    Simplify new crew integration with our self-service digital forms. Collect essential crew information - from allergies to uniform sizes - in one go. Get new crew onboard and ready for exceptional service, faster.

  • Tailored Yacht-Specific Preference Forms

    Customized preference sheets to match your yacht's unique amenities. Our preference forms focus on the activities and adventures available onboard, ensuring relevant data collection and enhancing guest experiences.

  • Travel Itinerary Form

    Efficiently update returning guest profiles with our quick Travel Itinerary Forms. Capture essential travel details and critical changes (allergies, diet, passports) without full preference sheets. Respect guest time while keeping crew informed.

  • Trip Journal

    Capture charter insights with end-trip prompts. Generate PDF reports for brokers and guest logs. Use trip histories to enhance personalization and services. Turn each charter into an opportunity for improvement.

Sevenstar helps yacht crew effortlessly create unforgettable adventures at sea

Built for the world's best yacht crew. Try it for free!

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